Minority Managed Degree Colleges

Minority Managed Colleges : 419
Minority Technical Colleges : 436
Professional Colleges : 83

There are hundreds of Minority Managed Degree Colleges in the country, with approximate staff strength of around 10,000. In the light of a preliminary survey of the data of around 92 Muslim Managed Degree Colleges in various parts of the country which appears in the Directory of the Minority Managed Degree/College (CEPECAMI, AMU, Aligarh 1999) the following points need attention and immediate remedial measures:

The Ground Realities:
  • Only 20% of these MMDCs have provision for teaching science subjects.
  • Only 21% of these offer Research facilities
  • Only 40% of these have post-graduate teaching
  • Only Only 33% of these provide Professional/Job Oriented Courses.
  • Only 40% of these have more than 1,000 students on roll.
  • Only 40% of the staff of these possess Ph.D.
  • Only 30% of these have three Faculties.
  • Only 40% of these have more than 10,000 titles in their College Library.


Rationable :

One way of keeping leadership at the centre of higher education is to develop academic staff leadership skills and motivate them to be both innovative and creative. Academic leaders need to focus on enhancing existing knowledge stocks internally and be skilled at stimulating scholars and peers intellectually. They should be the point of support for students’ creativity. They should learn to promote individual initiative while promoting integration of group activities and teamwork.

  • Theme 1 - Academic Mentoring through Leadership Impact
  • Theme 2 — From Classroom to Campus Boardroom

Modules :

  • Personal Foundation of Leadership.
  • Higher education and society
  • Essential skills and qualities of successful academicians
  • Leadership behavior, team dynamics and organizational politics
  • Leadership communication
  • Leadership Impact Management
  • External engagements and influences
  • Leadership and Institutional change
  • Leadership and management development
  • Application techniques

Delivery Methodology :

  • Leadership Assessment Test and its evaluation.
  • Extensive Use of real life case studies
  • Practical problem solving techniques
  • Team work (Inbound / Outbound)
  • Classroom discussions
  • Takeaway Study notes / articles / questionnaire (for self-evaluation)


Principals / Managers / Teachers of the Minorities Managed Degree Colleges.

No. of Courses : 4 x 30 = 120

Participants : Geographical spread of CALEM

These courses will be held at Aligarh, Lucknow, Allahabad (UP), Jamshedpur(Jharkhand), Mallapuram (Kerala), Bangalore (Karnataka), Srinagar (J & K) and other places.


Training Courses :
S. No.
Beneficiaries (No. on the yearly basis)
Outcome Benefits and Geographical Spread
Utilization of Infrastructure
One week long 04 programmes X 40 participants Total = 160
Teachers Skills Development All India Basis


Training Courses :
S. No.
Beneficiaries (No. on the yearly basis)
Outcome Benefits and Geographical Spread
Utilization of Infrastructure
College Teachers One week long 08 Programme X 40 participants Total = 320
College Teachers for Professional Development All India basis


<>Junior Assistant,  Aligarh Muslim University;  Aligarh
9837519920  &  8533919521